If you’re coming to me for individual therapy, you have decided that you want changes in your life that you haven’t been able to make on your own. At the beginning of a psychotherapeutic process, there is a dramatic difference between the mindsets of the therapist and the patient. The patient has just reached a difficult breaking point and decided to try something different. So, feeling and awareness are focused in the present; it’s often confusing and overwhelming. The therapist, on the other hand, is interested in discovering all the patterns and pathways that led to the current situation. So, there are many questions that quickly come to mind when the patient is describing what’s going on. How the problems of the present fit into the tapestry of the patient’s life is foremost in my mind at the beginning of the process. An increasingly significant body of common ground between patient and therapist develops as the work and its context become known to both. A unique style and method of communication grows out of that shared awareness, imbuing the process with warmth and energy. The result of all this is an evolution in the mindset of the patient – more awareness, more balance and more empowerment. Seeing that change happen is the most rewarding part of my work.

Individual Psychotherapy

Dr. James Kraut
My passion is to help guide you if you have chosen to look profoundly into the questions of your life. My goal is to help you get to the point where your existence on this wonderful planet has become a richer, deeper, and more meaningful process. Every story is unique and I would love to learn about yours.